Friday, April 26, 2013

Our little Munchkin is a BOY!!

Shane and i are so excited to be having a cute little boy. i have had that "FEELING" that it was a boy this entire time and so i was not super shocked! I know that Shane has been super nervous with the fact of raising a girl since he is from a family of 5 boys so i know he was so excited to get a boy first, but next i know we are both hoping for a girl. On my side of that family we have a boy, girl, boy, girl, boy pattern and my oldest brother and sister have kept the pattern with their kids. My brother has boy, Girl, Boy and my sister has boy girl boy and is expecting a girl. i only hope that i can stick with the every other pattern as well! it is so much fun knowing what i am having now! soooo much to do! Shane is pumped to have a baby room decked out in Sports stuff, and so am i..i guess? haha When the doctor turned on the ultrasound at my Monday appointment, i said "boy" before he could even say a word! there was no denying the shot i saw. haha Shane must be so proud! I feel like i am getting more and more excited especially because i am now feeling better! I was pretty sick and nauseous all the time the first few months but that is all gone! now i am just super tired and sometimes a little emotional (according to Shane) hehe.
Let the baby nursery decorating begin! We a sticking with something simple since we are on a tight budget but it is sure fun to look at all these cute nursery's online for some ideas! Shane likes to talk to the baby and tell him all about soccer and his favorite soccer players. he thinks that it will make the baby a better person! hmmm...i am not sure about that one. i havent felt mini shane kick yet but i cant wait. its been easier to work out more since i am not so nauceous so that is nice, but i did find out that i have Interstitial Cystitis. This is something i guess i have always had but since being pregnant it is way worse! anyone that knows me super well knows that i pee all the time!!! it is the worst! since being pregnant tho it has magnified soooo much! ugh. There is a huge long list of foods that i am supposed to avoid to make it easier.This interstitial Cystitis says i should avoid..

This is just a general list of foods that can cause irritation to the bladder. 
  • -Try to avoid anything that is spicy, acidic, carbonated or caffeinated.
  • - Spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce and pizza sauce
  • - Ketchup, mustard, salsa, soy sauce, worchestshire sauce, dressings with vinegar
  • - Spices such as oregano and Italian seasoning, barbeque sauce
  • - Chocolate
  • - Orange juice, cranberry juice, soda, coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages,
  • - Oranges, grapefruit, peaches, cantaloupe, pineapple, bananas, nectarines, cranberries, grapes
  • - Onions, tomatoes, and green peppers
  • - Aged cheeses, sour cream, yogurt
  • - Processed meats and corned beef
Oh and then lets add on my other allergies. hmm...the list makes me dizzy so i just do my best and just eat a good balanced diet. i hate talking about it because i dont want people to not invite us to eat or worry about me. i try to just show up to places and eat what i can and not eat so much of the things i shouldnt. i feel like i will lose friends if they knew how many wierd allergies i have!! WHO would invite us to dinner!?!?! haha so friends please ignore this post. i will eat anything or just pick through what i cant have! Dairy i cant ever have! it gives me mega migraines but i can pick through the rest!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tim McGraw Summer Concert

Shane and i went to the Tim McGraw Summer concert. there were a ton of incredible artists there. Lady A, Tim Mcgraw, Kieth Urban, Luke Bryan, The Band Perry, Ne-Yo, Taylor Swift and more! it was awesome!! thanks Shane for being so great at Groupon! he is always looking for good deals but never buys any of them so we can save money but this time he splurged for our date night. it was two tickets for $119.00. not bad eh? i think us getting pregnant made us realize we are on the countdown to not having kids anymore and need to enjoy a couple of late date night before little baby Haas comes. shane and i are so good with our budget and we don't go out much so it is nice to treat ourselves to a fun night out. the Blanchard's got to join us as well. they are so fun to hang out with and it was fun for both the PA boys to get a study break. 

Home for EASTER!

 Shane and i got to go home for the Easter weekend to California and it was so much fun! we got to do egg roll which is a big tradition for my family. we all dye our own eggs and my dad makes a bracket. we take turns and roll the eggs together, just two at a time, and only one breaks everytime. This slowly narrows down the eggs until there is a winner. and guess who was champion this year!? my momma! she was the champ of only four but still. it was so fun. probably the smallest group we have had for egg roll yet. 

Here is the bracket my dad makes every year! and shane was so disappointed when he lost to his mother-in-law!

 I have the world's greatest parents. they are so good to us and make me feel so blessed.

My mom...or should i say the Easter bunny brought us a girl outfit and boy outfit. of course Easter morning the boy outfit was for Shane and the girl outfit was for me. i guess we will wait and see what the next week brings us. i have an appointment and will be far enough along that i should be able to find out the gender! cross your fingers.

 I just love our beautiful back yard! so many Saturdays as a kid i spend back there helping my dad trim plants, law grass, pull weeds. hard work pays off because it is beautiful and my dad is so good at keeping it looking amazing!
 The Easter Bunny also got us some Hula Hoops and i must say, nothing is funnier then watching Shane and my dad hula hoop! haha..they were pretty good by the end. wish i got it on video.

 Our sweet new ride!! shane and i now have a new car that will be perfect for when i have this baby. and my baby bump is starting to show. i am going on 16 weeks now.

 We also got to see the Spains since they moved just two hours from my parents. it was so good seeing them. wow we miss them so much! they are such a good little family and we got to meet little cooper for the first time too! he is such a good little baby and so cute!

Mike and Becky headed to Africa!

We got to say goodbye to our friends Mike and Becky Roberts since they are leaving in a couple months to join the Peace Corps in AFRICA!!! so crazy! they get to go there and live in a hut with no running water, no electricity  no restaurants  no good stores! they get to shower from a bucket and grow their own food in a garden and kill their own chickens for dinner!  i cant even imagine! its so crazy. i give them props because i just don't think i could do that. they are my heroes and will do so much good in Africa. They will be there for two years!! we wish them luck on their great adventure.