Friday, September 28, 2012

Craving a good Granola Bar

I am hoping to make these soon! i found this on Facebook from Jessica Yates on her clean Eating 101 page and they look DELICIOUS!!
If you want to make them…

What you’ll need:

1 1/2 cups of rolled oats

1 cup chopped almonds (or other nuts)

1 cup dried cranberries (or other dried fruit)

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup honey

What you’ll need to do:

Preheat oven to 350. Mix all ingredients. Spread into a well-greased pan. Bake for 10-20 minutes, depending on your crunch preference (the longer it cooks, the crunchier it gets). Let the granola cool before you cut it, or it will fall apart.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

White Coat Ceremony!

Shane made the news! Check it out here...

 Looks like my hubby is getting pretty serious about this white coat thing! haha. He looks good in a white coat tho... doesn't he? So i was confused about this ceremony and why they had it towards the beginning of the students schooling but i guess in order for them to do rotations and certain things at school they need to take the Oath and once they receive the White Coat it means they will Honor the Oath. We still have two years of schooling and rotations to go but it was a cool ceremony!
 We were so glad that Shane's Dad got to come to the Ceremony!
 Here he is getting his white Coat!
I love that Shane goes to a Jewish school! There was a Rabi there and we started with a Jewish Prayer! I am so proud of Shane! he works so hard and wants to succeed so much! He is so motivated and studies his butt off, and i know it will pay off! 

Take me out to the BALL Game!!

 Shane got free tickets to a baseball game from his school so we went with lots of the PA boys and their wives! it was lots of fun and we even got free hats! shane and i arent really hat people but we thought it was cool. the team is called the 57's. i honestly cant tell you a single thing that happened in the game. i love people watching at those types of things and block out the whole game part of it! haha we did get some yummy peanuts and pretzals too!
 Some of the PA group with their free hats. They are all so nice. we are lucky to have them here. and Shane is lucky to have some great LDS guys in his class to study with and help him stay motivated!
 Isnt Shane so cute! i just love him oh so much! :)

 Speaking of ball game, Shane and i went to hang out with some friends and family the other night and it was a blast! we played Volley ball, Basketball and ping pong! Lets just say i beat all the boys in the above picture at basketball well i guess just knock out!! haha i miss playing! i love when i get to play because i think all the boys didnt expect me to be good.  This all took place at the Flagg's home. Their daughter, Patty, married Shane's cousin Kai!! They are the sweetest family ever and they are one of those families that you can just walk in anytime and they always have people over . they fed us some yummy food including steak!
Oh how i just love Mica and Mike! Mica is Shane's cousin and they were best friends growing up! They live here because Mike is going to UNLV for Dental school! it has been so nice having them here to hang out with! Mica has been so sweet to me! especially when we first got here and i had no job! me and her went to the Trump tower pool together, the temple, sewed purses (my purse looked..welllll..not so great!)

My AWESOME new job and getting settled!!

When we first moved to Vegas, i was feeling so discouraged with job hunting. i couldn't find anything or anywhere to work with good pay and good hours. Shane was gone all day at school and then he would have to come home and study. I spent all day by myself. It was such a lonely time for me. we were away from everything we knew and I had no where to go and no one to hang out with. there were many days that i would go the whole day without being able to talk to anyone. I'm not gonna lie..i got kinda depressed! there was one day that Shane got home from school and i just hugged him and started to cry. It was so hard for me to go through this. I'm the type of person that loves having a lot of people around and friends to talk to, so to not have that anymore was so hard! Shane knew exactly why he was supposed to be in go to PA school of course. but what was my purpose now? it was tough waiting and waiting. Heavenly father may not answer prayers when you want him to, but he always answers them on time. i love that saying. it is so true. i think i needed that time to myself. i needed to reflect on some things and what was really important. It made me realize more then ever how much i love time with Shane. Us moving to Vegas has strengthened our relationship more then ever. We don't hang out with many people here and so most of the time all we have is each other. i am loving it! We have so much fun together and its so fun how much more you get to know a person after two years of marriage! I love that Shane now knows me better then anyone! ANYWAYS...enough of the mushy talk and back to my job..haha

So my uncle that lives here in Vegas said he knew a guy that worked at the school where there was a dental hygiene program. i decided to schedule a meeting with this man. The night before the meeting i knelt down and prayed my heart out that something would come of this meeting. i dont think i have prayed with all my heart like that in a while. i am so grateful for the opportunities we get when we do pray so hard and reep the blessings from it! the man i was meeting with is professor Jackson. He is an older man that is about to retire and is the Dean of Business at CSN. i met up with him and he was such a kind man!! His wife is in the Tabernacle choir and they have eleven kids!! WOWZERS! but he started talking to me and asking me questions about myself and seeing how he could help me. we went to the dental department and it was too late for me to get into the program. i was super bummed. but then Professor Jackson said, "i have a dentist appointment today and i think they are going to be looking for a new girl to run the front desk for them since the other girl is pregnant. I'm going to bring you with me to meet the dentist!" haha he is so hilarious! i was a little nervous about just coming with him to his apt and bugging the dentist but he seemed pretty confident that i would be the perfect girl for the job. so i went! The dentist and i met during the planned apt time for professor Jackson and he ended up canceling his apt so that i could get an interview! what an incredible man!! the interview went pretty good and Dr Reynolds just told me to bring in a resume to him so he could look it over. Professor Jackson met with me for two hours and helped me to write an awesome resume so that i was guaranteed to get the job! what a kind man to help a girl that he had just met and there was absolutely nothing in it for him. but i know he feels of the great blessings of helping those around him. and guess what?? i GOT THE JOB! I know that heavenly father brings people into our lives for great reasons! some help us get to the next step in our lives and some teach us great things and some bug us so much and teach us patience and kindness. Professor Jackson was prompted to help me and followed through with it to the end.

i have loved every minute working at the dental office. I also love wearing scrubs every day. they are so comfy and i never have to pick an out fit out! since i have been there i have been working as an assistant and helping in root canals, fillings, and crowns. I also get to bring patients back, clean, polish and floss their teeth and take xrays! i love it. time goes by so quickly while i am working there! part of me is kinda sad to move to the front of the office and work there because i feel like it will be more boring. it will be more to do with insurances, patient files, answering the phone and all the sit there and watch the clock kinda stuff! hopefully i am wrong and i will love it but i just love where they have me now so i don't know if i will like the change. the people that work there are also very nice and just great to work with!! The other dentist in the office has also been so kind! he had a really nice video camera that he never used and gave it to me! what a kind person. i offered to pay but he wouldnt let me. he made me promise to return the favor to some other younger college kid someday and do something kind for them. Well thank goodness for people like professor Jackson that are willing to take time out of their day to help those in need even when they don't know them. and now i will get to clean his teeth some day! haha  There are also many famous people that come into our office because it is right by the strip, and its so fun getting to meet them and realize they are just people too. I have been MUCH happier since working at this job. it keeps me busy and now i have a purpose here besides supporting shane in school..of course! YAHOO for blessings!